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your Travel Concierge

Month: January 2019


Less than two weeks from now, I will have the privilege of visiting family in the Philippines. Most of you know how I love airports – which, for me, translate to travel. And why not? Every gateway that I go through means adventure – be it the first or the nth time to that specific destination. How appropriate is it then that focus should be on what happens within the time that we step into that check-in area of the airport up to the point when we get on the airplane?

Credit:  FB/Useful Gen

The minute we get off the vehicle, we rush to unload what luggage we have, ensure all travelers get off the car safely leaving nothing behind, and bid farewell to our driver. We look for the huge board that tells us which counter our airline was assigned to check-in passengers, then make a beeline for it. Like a herd, we shuffle through the cordoned area until we are called to go to the counter and have our documents inspected, verified and approved and/or accepted. With the big bags out of our hands, we proceed to the first gate we’ll need to get through – with passport and boarding tickets in hand. Past that we either proceed to the restaurants for a meal or go straight to the Duty-Free stores to see what else we can bring as gifts. We proceed to the second gate which is the TSA screening where depending on whether you have the ‘pre-screened’ code on your boarding pass or not, you still go through that x-ray equipment or choose to be patted down by a TSA agent. Phew! And finally, we get to go to the REAL gateway to the airplane that will take me to “lands [well] known”.

Whoa! Hold it! It does not have to be such a “boring routine”! Allow me to take you back! As the car glides to a stop at the curb of the Bradley International Terminal, I jumped out of the car and herded my group towards the airline counter. Excited chatter follow me all the way to the front where a helpful agent immediately beckons me (and my group) over to start the process of checking us in. At this point, reality sets in! Yehey! We’re on our way to another trip of discovery!

I strongly encourage everyone to look forward to every trip as a step over the threshold of yesterday to the wonders of what’s out there.

Once in the ‘inner sanctum’ (a.k.a. that winding path that leads to your assigned gate) brightly lit advertisements entice you to make a detour to visit the stores and restaurants that seem to be ‘calling’ to you! Yes, wherever you look, temptation crops up. Does that challenge you? It does me! Except for that cup of coffee I would definitely buy, I come out a winner when I take my seat by my airline’s waiting lounge with no purchases in hand.

Yes, do NOT be one of those people who look bored (or pretend to look it) nor be one of those who feel harassed by all the hoops that each traveler need to jump over to get to our destination. Remember that the trip begins the moment you decide to go so the trick is to make it fun.


This is a new category for this travel site. Although meant to promote my travel business, I now realize how intertwined Travel and Real Life ‘journeys’ are. So with the start of a new year, my wish is that I am able to spread HOPE.

Have you ever thought of how many lives a drop of rain can save? 

Did you ever wonder what a drop of rain can destroy?

I would hazard a guess that one drop of rain could be between a teaspoon and a tablespoon – maybe even 2 tbsps.?  Yes, imagine how that grows in terms of inches when thousands of raindrops fall in a certain limited area.  Then multiply those thousands of raindrops by the number of minutes that they continue to fall on an already sodden earth.  More, multiply those minutes of raindrops by the number of hours, or days, that rain continues to pour (yes, not just drop) water onto the ground.

Pretty sure right now that you can imagine the effect of such amount of raindrops falling on a sustained level for even just a number of hours on to, let’s say, a populated city already surrounded by water – a lake inland and the sea on the other side!  That’s a double whammy!

Now, let’s talk about this small town in Camarines Sur in the Philippines called Buhi.  The place has been under water since the heavens opened up the skies to release the already over-burdened clouds of its load.  Pellet-sized drops of rain found their way into the ground and continued to hug the earth, sodden it, and even constructed their own pathways in and out of obstructions like concrete, wood, metal and human beings.  Yes, Buhi (and surrounding towns) had no choice but to accept the three days of continuous rain.

The question begs to be asked – What would a dollar mean to this beleaguered town? Think in terms of raindrops, if each person who reads this donate 1 dollar to the cause – think of the RELIEF that each of those townsfolks would experience!  Not only in terms of physical comfort but most important would be the feeling that they are NOT forgotten!  They matter!

Please help us help those in need of our assistance!


THSL Foundation International Inc.

CP  323.350.0112   or  818.635.0389

21711 Planewood Drive, Woodland Hills, CA 91364-5216

P.S.  Donations are acknowledged provided we have your contact info.

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