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Month: June 2018

Promotional Update: An End and A Beginning

Just a heads up!

Don’t let the heat beat you. You’re about to miss out on an amazing Princess Cruise Lines Alaska 2-for-1 deal, ending today.

But….if Alaska is not your cup of tea, you have the new Sip-and-Sail promo that will send you to your choice of destination with a drink in hand.

Check out the details.

Let’s “Sea” now!

Have you ever been – by the beach, looking out to the sea, and wonder where that seemingly endless water could take you?  Have you thought beyond the shifting sands of the beach to places unknown – places you had gone to in your mind?

sandals on the beach

Well, I have – for far too many times than you can count on my fingers and toes.

Wherever you may find yourself – walking on the pier, sitting on the smooth sands of a beach, looking out from a restaurant’s seaside seat or a ship’s railing – just watching the waves created by the water’s movement somehow has a very calming effect.

Yes, there are so many choices in terms of where to go, what to do and how to spend your time at your pace and within your budget.  So consider this – IF you want a cost-effective, time-productive and the most relaxing way to enjoy your vacation, taking a cruise vacation may fit the bill.

Why a cruise?   Allow me to just list down a few of the many reasons:   (1)  the variety of itinerary, i.e. your choice of domestic or international destination;  (2) the all-inclusive cruise fare, i.e. the cost of the trip;   (3)  the ease of travel, i.e. no need to pack & unpack at each location;  and,  (4)  the luxury of knowing where you are sleeping each night.

There are always choices as far as cruising is concerned. Cannot really take that vacation right now?  Book that harbor cruise for the night and enjoy the starlit night or the lulling motion of the ship.  Of course, there are those 1-5 day cruises that are closer to home;  or, take a one-week leisurely cruise somewhere you’ve never been.  Why not take the whole 2 weeks vacation and splurge it on an exotic location!

With the summer season already in full swing, you still have time to go on that long-awaited vacation.  Take time to pamper yourself – the ‘idle mind’ usually cooks up the best ideas!

Happy sailing!



“Pura Vida”

“Pura Vida  is a lifestyle without stress, worries or negativity, and of gratitude for the things you do have.”

Translated literally, the term means ‘pure life.”  Colloquially, it could mean either ‘Enjoy Life’ or ‘Live Simple.’  This is the everyday greeting one hears in Costa Rica. The term is used like the Italian “Ciao”  or the Hawaiian “Aloha” so that one can use it to greet someone or say goodbye.

In this fast-paced and hi-tech world we live in, shouldn’t we just take the term to heart?  That is, ENJOY LIFE!

As we awaken from our slumber, let us greet the world with a smile, slip out of bed, stand up to stretch and yawn, breathe in, breathe out… you are now ready to face the world!  Umm…not yet?  Remember, you are your best friend…or your worst enemy.  If you put your mind to it, any ‘routine’ stuff you do that feels like it is unimportant or something so ordinary and ho-hum can be turned into something interesting and extraordinary!  But, it is –!”

Life is what you make of it.”  I am sure you have heard someone say this phrase more often than you like. All I can say is – “Make your own life.”

“The Experience”


Nowadays, it is not enough for one to buy a ticket to a concert/play or even just to book a flight or make reservations at a hotel and/or restaurant.  Once you click that “Pay” button (or confirm the purchase with the person on the other side of the phone line), the opportunity for an “up-sell” arises and you are asked whether you would like to “increase the pleasure you derive” from watching/eating/whatever it is you just paid for, or to borrow their phrase, “Expand the Experience.”

Why expend money and effort for the opportunity to intensify a feeling, a sensation or just a moment?  Whatever you are doing, wherever you may be, and whomever you may well be with – BE TOTALLY THERE!  Enjoy that specific moment, let the ‘experience’ envelop your whole being, or just be ‘involved’ in the experience!  Be present in the moment!

That is why I was so blown away by my 18-year old niece, Bea, who is visiting the United States for the first time.  As I was dropping her off (with her parents & younger brother) at Universal Studios, she blurted out, “Fair warning! If I burst out in tears, please ignore me because I would need to express my extreme joy somehow.”

Wow!  The honesty of her words and the simplicity with how she expressed her feelings about visiting her most favorite place in the world are such a rarity nowadays!  She had been wanting to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter attraction since it opened in Florida.  Now that there is the same attraction in Universal Studios Hollywood, coming to Los Angeles for her graduation gift fulfilled her most ardent wish!

Juxtaposed against those who are offering an “expanded experience,” I cannot help but wonder if our society has robbed this generation of something important – the ability to delight in simple things.  That not everything worth ‘knowing’ has to be spectacular, sensational nor singularly exclusive.  All it needs is –  to BE.

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