At an early age, I had always wanted to transport myself to certain locations which I believe to be more exciting, that is, having something more to offer than what or where I was.

It is not a matter of physical locations or sites, it is more of a desire to be “somewhere else”.  Understand that being a city-girl for more years than I could remember,  “going out of town” has a ring to it that beckons.  I can picture all the numerous resorts with long stretches of beach frontage – the choppy waves smoothly hugging the sand and showering it with water droplets.  Or,  the vision of fresh growth among the age-old trees whose long branches provide both sustenance and shade to both human and non-human species.

Having been born and bred in the Philippines, an archipelago located in Southeast Asia, there are a number of vacation options to choose from.  The beach is but a jeepney’s ride away from Manila while air-conditioned buses ply the main highways going to and from far away locations where one can enjoy the fresh sea breezes or inhale the pleasant smells of trees growing by the wayside.  There are mountain paths to hike, deep seas to explore and much more to discover.

Hence, having been uprooted from Manila and re-planted in Los Angeles, it felt like I never left the Philippines.  The city traffic congestion, the noise, the daily grind of human bodies going to work and getting back home….then comes the weekend when everyone seems to leave the city.  One would think that there are enough venues for everything that one may want to do with their free time in the city but the lure of being “out-of-town” always beckons.  Just like in Manila, Los Angeles is close to everything – the beach, the mountains, museums, parks – you think it, the city has it.

The take-away here is that no matter where you are, be adventurous in your own backyard before you set your eyes on something far away.  Knowing what you have in terms of hidden local treasures would surely make you appreciate other locales you may visit, or vice versa.

Happy travels!